(Response to Dad's e-mail, in which he shared some thoughts about the groups of people in Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life.)
Alright dad.... so first off, cancel that protien order. THe gym doesnt open until 7. thpt. Also, we got our pday changed to thursday, so Ill be writing then.
As far as the scripture goes, I can see 2 basic groups. Those who are pressing towards the tree and those who are pressing toward the Building. In each however, there are several sub groups. Pressing towards the building are those who arrive, and those who drown trying, because in the end, the devil doesnt support his followers.
Toward the tree is more interesting. The first group pressed forward, but were engulfed by the mist and lost there way. They got a glimpse of the Tree but were unable to reach it or even touch the rod. This kind of reminds me of the Jews. The first and covenant people who gradually fell away and rejected the word of God (the rod). They wandered off and were lost like the tribes of Israel. The second group reached the rod, pressed forward and partook of the fruit. Afterward however, they fell to the temptations and mocking of the world and also wandered off and were lost. We have thousands of inactive members here who have suffered just this situation. Unwelcomed by members and attacked by there families, they leave the glory of the tree and everlasting life, to return to the dark and dreary world to which they are accostomed.
They final group reached the tree and partook of the fruit. We are not told what happens to this last group, but we assume that they continue in righteousness. There is an interesting difference in how they partook of the fruit. The second group merely partook and left. This last group "fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree." Why did they fall? Perhaps it was because it was them who suffered the most through the fog and can thus recognize the light of the tree more clearly. Perhaps they had family who were sucked away by they river or joined the building and thus cling to what they know and have all the more tightly. It is this group who in the end, release there pride and fall to there knees, crying for joy to partake of the Fruit of the tree. The mockings and scoffings of the world do not affect them because they know that what they have is infinitely richer and sweeter than any wine or liquor they can find in the great and spacious building. The know, deep in their hearts, the truth and the blessings that are promised and it is they who will inherit their exaltation. Love you Dad! Talk to you Thursday!
(Side note sent after the previous message.)
Well...they changed our Pday back...so thats fun. What happened is that today we wanted to go to Casa de Campo (look it up online, its awesome) but, because its a super exclusive area, they wouldnt let us in until thursday. Thus, we asked permission to switch our Pday to thursday. All good there until President called the Zls saying that my comp couldnt go. So, thursday, the Zone Leaders and I are going to Casa de Campo and Elder Herrera is going to be in a trio with other elders. Rather an odd set of circumstances. I will now proceed to write the big letter.
(General e-mail.)
Well. Well Well Well. This week was a week. An interesting week. Elder Breshears had to go to the Capitol for court, so he took my companion and I went off with the other Zone Leader, Elder Blount, from Georgia. Hes a great guy, if a bit strange. He ends every sentence like its a question? Its kind of confusing? Also, we had another Intercambio because the ZLs need to have one with every DL. So I had two days with Elder Blount. It was a bit crazy as we walked for miles, crossing between our two areas trying to catch appointments. They days passed with more contacts and lessons and normal missionary things. Good times, but the real stuff happened these past two days.
Sunday, TOMASA CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! Wooo!!!! Shes gonna be baptized the 31 of January baby! Woo! And she asked me to do it! Double woo! Very happy about that. Another Investigator named Kety also came with her 3 year old daughter, so that was super awesome. More about her later. Then, we had an intercambio with some elders of our ward. My comp and Abdiel went to visit Jazmin and Mello and I went to Margarita. All was well With the others who taught a great lesson about Tithing. Our lesson was...well rather non existent. We were just about to start when....crazy Italian lady Angela walked in. CONNNNNNNNcha le. From there it was just another long rant about how were wasting our time and how the DR is an unneducated, corrupt dongue heap. Sigh. We got a little bit of the Plan of Salvation in after she finished though, so that was good.
Saturday! The majority of our appointments fell through, but we had to very interesting ones. The first with Kety ( I said Id talk about her later). Kety has 4 kids who are all rather crazy. Kevin, the eldest, first born of the tribe is a total player. Hes got like 4 girls and enjoys a hearty puff of juka. Hes cool with us though. He reads and listens in the lessons. The next child, Diana, is thirteen. Heres the kicker. She and her boyfriend go out clubbing at least 3 times a week and drink themselves silly blah blah blah. 13. yeesh. The other two are still young and awesome so thats swell for now. Now the part most intersting. Weve been trying to teach Kety for a long time, but she never had much time or interest in what we had. Saturday though, she totally opened up. She talked about her family and how shes been far from God and wants to follow Jesus and change her life and that of her kids. She said theres just one thing that she has to take care of first. hmmmm. So, we asked what that was. Apparently, her mom is a devil worshipper. So I had a nice lesson in styles and sacrifices of the Diabolical church. Woo. So Kety wanted to go with her mom to help her end her pact with the Devil. We talked her out of that thank goodness. So yeah. That was interesting.
Also, We had a baller lesson with Nikouri and Wilkouri. THeyve never been vyer focused on the lessons and there are always tons of distractions. Weve had several great lessons with them, but none that really stuck. This time though, there were no distractions and the spirit was super strong. We did a review of the Book of Mormon and then watched the testaments. They loved it, quoting along with the Bible verses and enthralled in the story. By the crucifixion, Nikouri was balling and when Christ came down to the Nephites their jaws just about hit the ground. "If only I couldve been there for that" they said. It was amazing. That movie has never hit me harder. When Christ descended in the pillar of light and said "Soy Jesucristo" I just felt this peace fall over me and I knew and know that Its all true. Anyway, after that we testified to them of the importance of the BoM and they both agreed to be baptized on the 27th of Feb. What a great way to finish the day. I love The Lord and His work, I love you all and hope everyone has just an absolutely swell week!
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