Tuesday, March 15, 2016

15 March 2016 - Boca Chica (Santo Domingo)

(Response to Dad's e-mail, in which Dad mentioned eating at Sette Bello, Daylight Savings, and reading The Infinite Atonement).

That sounds swell as always. You guys eat at Settebello alot though. 0_- I had no idea that we sinned in the Spirit world. I hadnt ever thought about that. Ha! setting clocks back. That doesnt exist here, thank goodness. I have so many photos I want to send, but these dern computers just wont accept my camera. I think their racist.
Anyway, Love ya Dad!!

(General e-mail)

Hellooooo people who dwell across the sea! So I went to write this yesterday, and just as I started, the power went out! Yay! So we got permission to write today, and we´re at the nice internet place so I can use punctuation and send photos! Double yay! Anyway, I have much to say, so let us begin. So yesterday we went to a baseball museum in our area with the office elders, the assistants, and the Zone leaders from San Pedro. They all LOVE baseball and after we visited the Yankee training center, they said it was the best Pday of their whole missions. We pretty much made their lives. It was really great. And now, the week before. So this last week we went and visited an old investigator named Angela. The missionaries lost contact with her because they didnt know her college schedule and she has alot of class. Luckily for everyone, she has Sundays off. So we went by her house twice this week and had really great lessons. She already has a testimony of the church and everything, but is still working on the Book of Mormon, only because she hasnt read it yet. haha We also tried to put a baptismal date with her, but she doesnt feel ready yet. Shes a little afraid and told us that theres something in her life that she needs to fix first. It has nothing to do with any of the commandments though, so we´re a little nunplussed. (not sure how you spell that anymore) Anyway, we´re continuing to work with her. She´s really awesome though.

Next we have the De Jesus family. They´re the 7 kids that had a baptismal date for this Saturday. Soooo...the came to church on Sunday, but we and the bishopric decided that they weren´t ready and shouldn´t be baptized yet. When we told our ZL he just about died. They will definately be baptized though, we just gotta reactivate their parents first.

Yilbert however is still rarin to be baptized. We will have our last lesson with him today and the interview tomorrow! He is super ready. He reads pretty slow, but has a mountain of desire. We´re also working with his family but theyre a bit more difficult.

Dafni though is amazing. If yalls remember, thats the Haitian mom that we took to the Temple. She really wants to be baptized, but her boyfriend doesnt want anything to do with us, her, or the church. Apparently he´s (ahem) not the nicest person. We´re trying to visit them together with the stake president and the bishopric, but he always leaves or is already gone. What a bum. He doesnt even care for his 4 kids!

On an up note, we had a visit from someone super super awesome. His name is Brother Turley (I think, something like that) and he is in charge of the history of the church...the entire church. He is the guy with the keys to any church history vault, site or room in the entire world. He has authority to investigate whatever he wants that pertains to church history however he wants. Needless to say, that was super dope. He explained alot about the importance of reactivations. He used the example of Oliver Cowdery (If I remember correctly. My notes are in the house) who served a mission to Canada. There he served with vigor, but little success. He was very frustrated until he found and baptized a young man named John Taylor. From that single act, this young missionary brought at least 3 prophets and many apostles into the church, all due to the reactivation of Oliver Cowdery ( I think). He talked about sooo much and I dont have time to write it all, but it was amazing. He also did a Q and A session. We talked about:Poligamy, blacks and the priesthood, D and C 125, rebaptisms, and tons of other stuff. One of the things that stood out to me the most, was when he said that the lost 10 tribes have all been found. He has access to the Patriarchal Blessings of every member in the entire world and, through them, has found members of every single tribe. So thats pretty sick.

Well, I think thats it. If I think of anything else, Ill take a note and tell you guys next week. Love you all and have a great week!


Elder Frogley's "Parents"

Poor-Man's Umbrella

Temple Trip

The zone at the temple

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