Tuesday, August 23, 2016

23 August 2016 - Las Américas/La Caleta (Santo Domingo)

(Response to Dad's e-mail, in which Dad talked about the booming business at the office, and pulling a muscle while playing with the grandkids, as well as teaching the war chapters in Alma for Gospel Doctrine).

Ahi mi madre. Dad, stop hurting yourself! Hahahaha Thats really cool, and Im glad to hear that things are growing. Part of why I serve! In my studies I just finished 4th Nephi. Its kind of just bumming me out to see the same patterns over and over again and always for the same cause. The gadianton combinations always sneak back in as Satan whispers his lies. I feel like, in this time, thats Hillary Clinton. The more I hear about her, and whats happening in our society, the more i see similiarities in the BOM. Actually, in my last interview with President on thursday, we talked about that. The liberal agenda, the promises and warnings of the promised land, etc. It was really cool. i feel like you guys would get along swimmingly.

Love you Dad!

(General e-mail)

Now...I know what youre all thinking. "Isnt Elder Frogleys Pday on monday??" The answer is yes, but for the past 3 weeks now weve gotten back way too late to our area and had to write the next day. AKA today! Sigamos [on we go]!

So, this week was very interesting. Margot, one of our investigators, needs to get married, but her male partner wants nothing of it, even though theyve been together for 40 years and have 5 kids together. Que tonto [what an idiot]. As a result, Margot is getting really disanimated [discouraged] and hasnt been to church in 3 weeks! Weve been trying to visit her and encourage her, but i think shes losing hope.

On a lighter note, we have this dope investigator named Isaura. Shes the reference [referral] of an Ex missionary named Omar and she is pretty awesome. She has tons of desire to learn more, but is also reserved because she was born and raised in the pentecostal church and her mom is SUPER against the church. We actually passed by last night and she told us that her mom had told her to look up an anti mormon web page. After doing so she has tons of doubts, BUT she says that if we can clear them up, shell get baptized this weekend! We invited her to read more in the BoM and pray to know if its the truth, because thats like the base of everything and she said she would. Well see in our appointment tonight.

Other investigators are droppin like flies as we sift the wheat from the chaff. Those 2 are the only notable ones for now.

So on monday, we went off to this place called Agora Mall. Its in the west mission, but we got special permission to go. i ate Carls Junior and it was AMAZING. Something thats not rice and beans or cheap Dominican pizza. While there, we also saw several missionaries from the west mission. Apparently they can go wherever in normal clothes. It kind of made us sad because it was so obvious that they didnt understand the importance of obedience and their covenants.

We went there with a whole bunch of elders who are dying [returning home] tomorrow and they were trunky as a suitcase! My comp and I just kind of followed them around, cracking jokes and admiring a whole bunch of stuff we werent going to buy. haha it was fun though.

In other news, were geting a special transfer this week because of all the early ship offs. Elder Allen is goin to Boca Chica to be with my second son Elder Valle and I am getting a mini missionary. That means someone who serves with us as a missionary, but doesnt have their calling yet. Its weird. We´ll see how it goes.

Also, on thursday we had our interviews with president. That was pretty great. President and I talked about political stuff in relation to the gospel, my BOM study, family, the zone. It was just swell.

Well thats all for now i believe!!

Love you all!!

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