Wednesday, October 26, 2016

26 October 2016 - La Llave (Santo Domingo)

(Response to Dad's e-mail, in which he shared several amazing stories about the importance of working hard both through members AND in your own efforts to find all the Lord's children who are waiting to hear the gospel, and that Dad fell asleep while watching a filtered version of X-Men Apocalypse.)

Wow. Thanks Dad. Thats actually like a really inspiring story. Thats actually something I´ve been having problems with is talking with everyone. It just feels so awkward on the doesnt matter though. With contacting Im still not a huge fan just because the members are the full time searchers and we are the full time teachers. The only contacts I´ve baptized already had member friends and were inveloped imediatetly into the church as a result. In my new area though, we have almost no investigators so we´ll be doing alot of door shouting, but also member visits to win their trust and ask for references. Do you have any suggestions to help us out? Right now we´re studying in PMG about how to find new people and also putting together a lesson plan to use with members to help them seek personal revelation in which of their friends is being prepared to recieve the gospel.

Dad, why does it not even surprise me that you fell asleep during that movie? hahahaha sounds like an awesome time. Love you dad! Have a great week and thank you for your prayers!

(General e-mail)

Remember when I told yalls that my area was conspiring against me? well tis true!! EVERY monday the power doesnt come until about 5:30pm so we never have time to write. Except this last monday that happened in the whole zone!! Nobody wrote. Now, I know what youre all thinking. Why on earth am I writing on wednesday?! Well thats easy, tuesday was transfers! Everything was crazy! I left La Caleta and now im in La Llave with Elder Lanzas. I spent monday night in a double Family home evening with Sandra (my convert) and her family and also the Collado family. Brother Collado is pretty much my second dad. He´s just such an amazing man and stands out in stark contrast to the other dominican men. I almost cried saying goodbye, but the Lord Needed me elsewhere.

On the upside my new companion is awesome! He´s from Panama and only has 7 months in the mission, but he´s already a Zone Leader. Super awesome guy, and way funny too. Our area is a bit rough, but the members are awesome. Our bishop is amazing. Every sunday he´s gives a fat boche (like a very stern talking too. Telling someone off) about mission work and how the members need to be more involved. He´s a bit stern sometimes, but all I hear are good things

The It used to be awesome. Its big, and on a third floor. Its gets plenty of breeze and even has a meh view. The problem is that is has just been abandoned by the owner (even though he lives right below it) We NEVER have water. Like never. We have one 5 gallon bucket to shower, use the toilet, wash the dishes etc. Needles to say, the house is pretty dirty as we´re not able to wash anything.

And the missionaries in the house are another story all together. One, Ive heard stories of since the beginning of my mission. He likes to play with knives and stare at his companions while the sleep. He´s kinda creepy and rather close mouthed. The other (two different companionships) has crazy bipolarism and tends to scream at his companion in public. He also is fond of sneaking into your room very early in the morning and snuggling with ya. Its a rather interesting situation. Needless to say, we lock our door at night.

I dont have tons of time left, but the White Night was a bit of a disaster. The stake presidency planned it very poorly and the busses came super late. What was supposed to start on the beach at 4, instead started at about 6:30. We were baptizing my moonlight and phone screens. The photographer still got some cool photos though. Ill try to send pics next week. Love you all! Bye!

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