Monday, October 31, 2016

31 October 2016 - La Llave (Santo Domingo)

(General e-mail)

Everybody Scream! Everybody scream!!

Huey! Family and friends! Keloke? So today is halloween! How fun! To celebrate we took a trip down to the capitol to eat mexican food and ice cream. I would love to send you pictures but this stupid computer won´t recognize my camera. Oh well.

So this week was...well...kind of meh. It started out all chillin chillin in the new area, contacting, meeting the bishop and fun times, but then thursday night I got sick! Woo! I spent all of Friday and Saturday in bed. So fun. I watched so many church movies. We even found an old one the recounts the entire Old testament (at least the most important parts). That took a while and my companion and I were snoozin by the end.

As for people we´re teaching...well...we´re pretty much starting from scratch because we got the short end of the stick as far as areas go. We contacted several interesting people though, so here are some stories!

Esmeralda is a lady who lives with her "man" and 4 daughters (all above the age of baptism. ;)). We contacted them and returned a few days later to teach the Restoration. When we asked her if she had read the pamphlet she said "Just one small page." For those of you who dont know investigator lingo, that means no. I shrugged and started to ask her about what she had learned.

"What is the pamphlet about?" I asked.

"Oh...about Jesus." She vaguely replied. At this point I´m pretty positive she didnt read. "Oh, and how he called apostoles (Psshhh. didnt read), three of them appeared to Joseph Smith the prophet to confer the priesthood."

WHOA WHOA WHOA!! What?? So apparently she had read like the whole thing and remembered it. So we did a review to reinforce some points and she was takin notes the whole time. We did have a brief bicker about if its ok to baptize in salt water (just a silly question really). Anyway. Good Lesson. We´re going to but a baptismal date this week.

Ramon is a swell chap who we contacted. He´s an older gentleman who invited us in at once and spilled his whole life story on us. He even started crying right there with us. Apparently a few years ago he lost his wife and now his kids aren´t very fond of him. So, we talked briefly about how the gospel can bless the family, the power of the atonement and forever families.

We also met this young guy named wilkin. He´s got a big dent in his head cus he got stoned! He was on his way home from school and got jumped by some tigs (teegs, like street thugs). One of them knocked him down and the other one drilled his head (not literally, he just threw really hard) with a rock. Wilkin woke up in the hospital with absolutely no pain. 2 days later, we showed up!

Anyway. Good times. Love you all! Have a happy halloween!!

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