Monday, August 31, 2015

31 August 2015 - Los Guaricanos (Santo Domingo)

(Response to Dad's e-mail):

Highs in the 80s. Thats cute Dad. ;) That sounds pretty sweet! I´ll write more in the big letter, but don't worry, the hurricane was fine. Thats crazy that Nicole is in college. Everyone is so old now. I do enjoy extra scriptures to study! :) Love ya dad!!

(General e-mail):

So the Hurricane was lame. We went out and proselyted like normal in the morning, then got a call from the zone leaders saying that we needed to go back to the house. So, we did. And we stayed there...all day. It rained quite a bit and the wind was blowing pretty strong for a little bit, but it wasn´t bad. Oh well. The worst part was that we didn´t have power! Our inversor (giant house battery) died in the middle of the night so we were all dying without our fans. I barely slept. For the rest of the day we just slept, studied the scriptures etc. I worked on my doodle. It was really boring. Elder Maatatia (Matasia) is From Tarawa Kiripes (not sure on the spelling), a small island of Australia. He speaks spanish really well and a little English. He´s a really cool guy, but he eats a ton. My goodness, an entire Salami stick in one night almost.

So! Excting news! We have 5 baptismal dates! 4 from the same lesson! We went to teach Stiven ( the best investigator ever) and suddenly his sister Wanda, his brother Jeffrey, and their friend Niyeli (the Daughter of Yimmy and Yami if you remember them) were all there! We had intended to challenge Stivan, but ended up challenging them all! And they all said yes! We´re not so sure about the rest, but Stivan will definately be baptised. He´s come to church twice and he loves it. Loves everything about it. The 5th is an old guy named Amable. We started teaching him last week and while we´re pretty sure he doesn´t really understand why a baptism is so important, he is really interested. He´s really awesome and nice and he was taught by Missionaries a long time ago. We also have 5 new investigators: Frank, Ingrid, Ramona, Jorge and Inora. Jorge was at church on Sunday with his friend ( a member) and he said it was really interesting and wants to go next week too! Woo!

I feel like the Senior companion now cus I know the area and all the people. It´s a bit strange. Anyway. Love you all! We´re all safe and sound here in the DR.

Goodbye Elder Bateman. Off to Punta Cana to talk with rich people.

The new guys...and Jefferson. Elders Maatatia, Vega, and Harris. Elder Harris is the New greeny.

My doodle has progressed.

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