Wednesday, September 18, 2013

12 August 2013 - Estancia Brazil

This week we learn the Brazilian word for "Brazilian person" :) Nifty! And transfers have come again, but Elder Frogley remains in Estancia, which makes sense because he just barely arrived.

Ah man, sounds awesome! Im typing right now from an old beat up keyboard thats missing half its buttons in a little computer house where over half the computers dont work and they had theyre first internet upgrade in like four years yesterday.  its slow. But were happy! We just finished playing b ball with an investigator and he was better then we expected almost like a slightly awkward American but a lot better then most Brazileiros. Out week was pretty Rockin but quick question, are yall getting my pics? cause I sent a bunch last week  but it downloads slow .  
so Sunday we found out that  im staying in Estancia, Sergipe. Look it up on google earth street view. You probably wont think so but to me after 9 months it looks pretty dang fancy. we did get two more house mates though. I went down to Aracaju Monday night so my comp could take the bus to Maceio. I stayed in Aracaju with the rest of the missionaries. We slepped at the house in that area .( a tiny house and we crammed 10 missionaries in to it) I slepped on the hammic outside and it was a thousand degrees andI was covered with mosquitos. I woke up the in the middle of the night to let more elders who arived through the front gate. Needless to say not my best nights sleep . Hamics are not for sleeping over night. i learned that the hard way. THe next day we went back to the church and littlerally sat around and played cards for the whole day  until 6:30 in the afternoon. Minus when we were listening to the transfer meeting happening in Maceio over a cell phone. finally my comp got back with our new Elders (one being Elder Hansen, a good freind from Maceio when I was with Elder  Roland). We slepped in that same house and this time I slepped inside on a bed. But with three other missionaries squished on two beds on the ground and the brazilian got cold with the fan so he turned it off and the two americans (me and my comp) sat awake swetting all night. the next day we finnaly made it home. It was a rough few days but weve been teaching some good people and we marked some baptisims. the two kids we baptised, theyre dad had a problem wiht being baptised . We visited him Thursday and friday. He believes that his baptisim was valid and if he gets baptised again it will be a sin.  we have flat out showed him in the scriptures that hes wrong but he refuses to  pray for an answer. Saturday we visite d him again after we ordered him to pray   and he said he did and as we were walking him to the church for an activity he said we wants to be baptised too! Woooooo! Sunday he took his wife to church too! Were going for the whole family! We have a baptisim this week and well mark him  hopefully for next week. The members just got awesome out of nowhere and started bring their friends to church an initing us and friends to family home evening! Were about to through down! And  were getting new investigators from English class too ! were famous! Were lovin life here family! Love   you guys! keep me posted  and stuff!
Elder Frogley
PS Dad, I used all my emergency funds. could you put more on. Im not wasting it I promis . We litterally have bunches of bus fairs and stuff that we cant re emberce because were sooo far from the mission office. Sorry! Love you!

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