Monday, September 30, 2013

30 September 2013 - Estancia Brazil

Hello, friends, and welcome back! We don't have any photos this week (that I know of), but we do have some great updates--and rants--from Brazil. Also, Dad mentioned in his e-mail to Elder Frogley that there should be a nice, solid, well-oiled machine for him to train in if he (Elder Frogley) still plans on going into Chiropractic when he gets home, hence the comments on medicine.

Lots to do back in the States! Im still focusing on medicin for sure when I come back! But I havent prayed about it yet, it just seems like the smart thing to do, and I like it. But that can wait another year for me to get back! So lets start at the beginning of my week! We dumped all of our investigators who werent progressing and we spent this week trying to find some new ones and accompany the ones that are ready for baptisim! We taught some excelent families and had some great discusions but didnt find anyone prepared by god to recieve our message and be baptised. No one is married here!!! They all just live together! Even old grandpa people! Its gross! I met a 15 year old girl the other day who was ´´married´´ not, she was living with her boyfriend of 20 years. And she was pregnant! Her boyfriend doesnt have a house! They live with her parents! I went on a rant to the nearest person to me after they left the house (who happened to be Diana our recent convert) about how its crazy to do stuff like that. She looked very confused and said it was very normal here. So I pointed out how poor so many people here are and all this rediculous stuff and she promised not to do something stupid like that. I was pretty chapped at that 15 yearl old girl. but anyway. We stopped by with a member Friday and she gave us a golden contact. This girl saw us on the road and she already new a little about the church. We didnt talk to her but she went and talked to this member. She said she wants to be baptised and serve a mission like were doing. She went to church yesterday and we marked to go talk to her. Shes pretty awesome! We also met a whole family living here from Sao Paulo! They all went to church with a member and they want to be baptised very much! They are super cool and very humble! We had so many members bring friends to church that we almost didnt have time to talk to them all! It was crazy! But we have like 5 solid baptism coming up! sweeeett! 
Diana went to English class on Friday and told us something that freaked us out! After the class I asked her about baptism and she said she wanted to wait another week. We all freaked out a little and we pulled her into another room away from her friends to talk. We talked for a good half an hour about past experiences with investigators and how it was important to get baptised now. She agreed and Saturday, our district through down three! Diana and two kids! Theyre Mom said she wants to wait a little for her baptisim. Out of the blue some guy from her past asked if they could live together. Why does that happen! The other elders where chapppppyyy. But theyre still working with her.
Ive never been so stressed for a baptism. Her name is rediculously hard to pronounce. Diana Scizerschando Dingalect. Something like that. It was a head ache to get out of my mouth. Ill send yall some pics. 
Thats all for this letter! Love yall! keep me posted on life and stuff! How goes the war in Siria? And all of Brazil is freaking out that the U.S. is spying here. I get weird looks on the street. More then normal.
Elder Frogley
PS whenever I write these letters I always picture Dad reading it with his animated voice, like when I write a word like tight or sick how he always use to do with Tyler. Haha, solid times! 

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